Hello, there! I’ve just received a new book from booksneeze, “The Realms Thereunder” by Ross Lawhead. Before I get started, however, I must say that I received this book for free from the booksneeze blogger program from the Thomas Nelson publishing company, and I am under no obligation to give this book a positive review. Everything I say is how I legitimately feel. Now, on with the show! This was a fairly good book, well written and the plot was formed well. However, a lot of the book felt to me to center around the fantastical, mythical side of things. And that is something that I generally don’t like. The book was well written, however, and I’m trying to write an unbiased review. So I think that, all in all, it was a very good book. I shall give it a solid four out of five stars. I would honestly suggest this book to anyone who finds the unknown, science fictional realm interesting. I know of a few people in my life who would enjoy this book. In fact, I have a certain little brother who loves this kind of stuff, and I do believe that I’ve just acquired his birthday present. J