Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It Couldn't Just Happen by Lawrence O. Richards

Hi! I just got a new book from book sneeze! Before I get started, though, I need to let you know that I received this book for free from the Thomas Nelson publishing company through the booksneeze program and I am under no legal obligation to give this book a positive review. So whatever I say about this book is for real how I feel. So, anyway, let’s get going, shall we? “It Couldn’t Just Happen” by Lawrence O. Richards is a good beginner’s guide to apologetics. I’m not a seminary graduate, or have any kind of religious degree, but I love reading and collecting apologetics literature. This was a bit rudimentary for my taste, but this book is written for like 8-12 year olds. So I don’t hold the basic writing style against them J. This book is very colourful, and lays out the facts for all to see. It has charts, diagrams, pictures, fast facts, so on and so forth. I really, really like this book. It’s a good introductory guide to scientific apologetics. I that this book would be excellent for the more scientifically- minded kids out there. I most definitely give this book a solid five out of five stars J