Monday, March 4, 2013

gods at war

Remember ‘not a fan’? The book that rocked the church and shaped the faith of millions? The book that challenged people to step outside their comfort zone and fall in love with God? That book? The pastor who wrote that, Kyle Idleman, is back with a new game changer. His newest offering, ‘gods at war’ focuses on our passive idolatry. We may not bow down to physical objects made of wood and gold, but we forsake our Creator for earthly pleasure, power, and love. We are in the middle of a battle ground, with our hearts fighting over things of this world verses the things of God.
Idleman makes use of testimonies, statistics, studies, anecdotes, and basically everything but the kitchen sink in the book in order to make his point. With each chapter focusing on a different idol (including food, sex, money, family, and entertainment for example), Idleman brings big lofty ideas of sacrifice and commitment and brings them down to the common people’s level.
Kyle Idleman has a true gift with words. He connects with you on a personal level, pulls you in, and doesn’t let you leave the same. This book is quite simply amazing. Five out of five stars.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This is completely my opinion on the book.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

When Donkeys Talk

Hey guys! Sorry this is so late! (It’s like 1 in the morning where I’m at! Haha J ) Anyway, I wanted to tell you all about this AWESOME new book I just got from booksneeze the other day. I ate it up. Okay, not literally. But it’s still pretty legit J
So this book is called ‘When Donkeys Talk: A Quest to Rediscover the Mystery and Wonder of Christianity” by Tyler Blanksi. It’s basically about how God is awesome and He can do whatever He wants, like making donkeys talk, so that everyone will know that He’s God.
Mr. Blanksi has a unique writing style, blending centuries-old quotes and viewpoints with a fresh humour that basically just puts an new spin on things. His book is written in a very easy to read style, which helped me finish it so quickly J He talks about taking the mundane out of our relationship with God, because God is anything but ordinary. God is awesome and fantastic and mysterious and wonderful, and Tyler does a WONDERFUL job of portraying that.
I give this book five out of five stars.
Note: I received this book for free from the Booksneeze Blogging programme in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Dirty God" by Johnnie Moore

Hey yall. SO! It’s really late right now, but I JUST finished this AWESOME book from the lovely people over at Booksneeze. Before I get too far, I gotta tell you that I received this book for free from the Thomas Nelson Booksneeze blogger programme in exchange for an honest review. This review is 100% my own opinion and how I legitimately feel. Alright, now that that’s over, I gotta tell ya about this awesome book.
It’s “Dirty God: Jesus In The Trenches” by Johnnie Moore.
The main thing I loved about this was the accessible writing style. Mr. Moore didn’t use pretentious speech or over analyze things. He spoke plainly and with an awesome applicability.
“Dirty God” is basically the unveiling of God’s love story. God loves us silly humans so much that He got down and dirty with us. Got to the nitty gritty. He refused to let us flounder about alone. He come down and showered us with grace and continues to do so today. That’s the essential summary of this book.
So many parts of this book struck a nerve with me. It had me giggling one minute and then crying the next. It’s a rare book that can make me do that. Five out of five stars.