Monday, December 24, 2012

Who Do You Think You Are?

Hey guys. So… I gotta be honest… I’m usually pretty wary of anything Mark Driscoll puts out. I like him and all, and I think he has some good things to say, but I’ve usually taken most of what he says with a grain of salt; comparing his opinions against others and then forming my own. When I saw his new book, “Who Do You Think You Are?” on booksneeze, I was getting ready to pass it over. However, I felt a tugging to go back and at least read the description. So I read the description and promptly ordered it.
See, here’s the thing… a lot of Christians don’t know who they are in Christ. They think going to church is the extent of their relationship with God… and that they haven’t become that new creation of which 2 Corinthians speaks.
While I still hold the, “Compare all of what Driscoll says against Scripture along with other commentators/theologians” (I say to do this with all writers), Mr. Mark’s book “Who Do You Think You Are?” is a pretty good read. And, to be personal, I gotta say this came at the perfect time for me.
Four out of five stars.
I was given this book free of charge from the Thomas Nelson booksneeze blogger programme in exchange for an honest review.

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